RPM Based Distribution installation

For RPM based Linux operating systems we have 3 options. Pick the option that fits well for your scenario.

Using the installer


Run the following command: 
sh -c "$(curl -sL https://api.dnsadblock.com/install)"


To upgrade you need to run the same command that you used to install. If there is a new version available, the install script will prompt you to upgrade.


To troubleshoot the installation script you can prefix the command with a debugging flag:

DEBUG=1 sh -c "$(curl -sL https://api.dnsadblock.com/install)"

Using the official channels

Update your repo sources:

sudo curl -s https://dnsadblock.com/yum.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/dnsadblock.repo
sudo yum install -y dnsadblock

Once installed you can configure it like you would normally do:

For a workstation:

sudo dnsadblock install \
  -config <your config id> \

For a router/server

sudo dnsadblock install \
  -config <your config id> \

Using the GUI

If you prefer desktop GUI apps instead of playing with the terminal please head over to our tutorial for the desktop application.